Published sightings for the week ending 23 Sep 2012.
Sun 23 Sep
Painted Honeyeater
Howlong Rd, Nth of Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park
A pair of Painted Honeyeaters heard calling north of the Mt Pleasant Rd site. A good observation to this new addition to the park.
Kaye Trainor & Martin O'Brien
Spotless Crake
Fosterville at 36 41 17S 144 30 58E
Spotless Crake (1) calling intermittently. First time heard here
Marlene Lyell
Sat 22 Sep
Striated Fieldwren
'Newry' Byaduk
Striated Fieldwren
3-4 living amongst the Tree Violets and stony rises wetland
Samantha Greiner
Sat 22 Sep
Grey Goshawk
Gisborne South, Macedon Ranges
Single grey morph bird soaring over exotic tree rows, Gisborne South, ~11am. Either colour morph rare in this area; grey morph most so.
Lawrie Conole
Square-tailed kite
Blacks Lane, Upotipotpon
Single bird seen gliding low over private bushland remnant and large paddock trees. Bird moved slowly just above canopy with harrier like buoyant flight, white head and wingtips clearly visible (see photo).
Joseph Birckhead
Golden Whistler, Rufous Whistler, Pied Cormorant
Elster creek, Elwood
During today's Elster creek bird survey, a Golden Whistler and two Rufous Whistlers were seen in the coastal scrub on the Elwood foreshore near the playground and approximately 160 Pied Cormorants circled over the Elsternwick Golf Course.
Gio Fitzpatrick
Oriental Pratincole
Western Treatment Plant
One hawking over Q-section pond midday, seen by many observers.
Richard Loyn
Glossy Ibis
Avalon Airport (between airport and WesternTreatment Plant)
9 feeding voraciously in flooded pasture north of Beach Road, west of Point Wilson Road. Numbers built up during the afternoon. Also 2 White-necked and 2 White-faced Herons, no other ibis.
Richard Loyn, Peter Lansley, Scott Baker
Brush Bronzewing
Newport Lakes Reserve
As reported by Steve Davidson recently, I am pleased to say that the bird was relatively easy to find and photograph. North end of the reserve on higher track.
Bernie O'Keefe
Fri 21 Sep
Caspian Tern (2) Red Kneed Dotterel (5)
ETP Boundary Rd Wetlands
Two Caspian Terns resting on Western side of Southern Pond , also 5 Red Kneed Dotterels along Western Bank of same pond. Buff Banded Rail in Drain and many Reed Warblers , very vocal and active.
Colin Mulvogue
Baillon's Crake, Australian Spotted Crake, Black-tailed Native-hen and Buff-banded Rail
Lake Road and Hospital Swamp
We observed from side of road especially near swampy parts. We also observed Red -kneed Dotterel and Black-fronted Dotterel.
Gwen and Michael Bird
Spotted Harrier, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
Ironbark Rd - McCormack Rd Bacchus Marsh 1' Cell
Spotted Harrier (1) Adult suddenly appeared quartering reveg area for rabbits, then over the long grass up the hill.
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (11) 11 cuckoo-shrikes in a flock on the move.
Bernie McRitchie
Freckled Duck, Australasian Shoveler, Pink-eared Duck and Blue-billed Duck
Lorne Lake, Drysdale
These species were seen amongst numerous Hardheads and Chestnut Teal.
Gwen and Michael Bird
Thu 20 Sep
Painted Honeyeaters
Mt Pleasant Rd - North of Bartley's Block, Chiltern National Park
At least 4 (possibly up to 6) Painted Honeyeaters 500m past the gravelly area on Mt Pleasant Rd - what amazing birds they are! Would have missed them if. I didn't meet up with a lovely American couple nearby!
Joshua Bergmark
Freckled Duck (4) Black-tailed Native Hen (2) Hardheads 20+
Skip Lane Wetlands, Wonthaggi
Freckled Duck seen resting on bank on eastern side of main lake, Native-hens close by amongst Swamp T-Tree, bird numbers here have dramatically increased in the last week.
Colin Mulvogue
Swift Parrot
Fawkner Cemetery, Melbourne
Several swifties with lorikeets in flowering eucalypts around Joyce Chapel this morning.
John Newman
Fan-tailed Cuckoo and Rufous Whistler
Point Ormond, Elwood Foreshore
A Fan-tailed Cuckoo was watching a pair of Brown Thornbills from a Drooping She-oak before it was chased off by a Red Wattlebird. Meanwhile, a Rufous Whistler was calling from a Coast Banksia near the playground.
Gio Fitzpatrick
Australian (black and yellow) Magpie
Kyabram township
An interesting phenomenon in an Australian Magpie - a black and yellow Magpie, probably a form of leucism.
Elizabeth Wood per Tim Dolby
Wed 19 Sep
King Quail - Coturnix chinensis
Bright township
Seen wandering about a suburban street in Bright. A single male. Skittish enough not to be approachable. No way of telling whether it was an aviary escapee or naturally occurring. Reported because this species is classified as threatened under Victoria's Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act.
Katie Grace
Buff-banded Rail
Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne
Single bird seen feeding out in the open in the vicinity of Long Island.
David Plant
Painted Honeater
Bartleys Block, Chiltern-Mount Pilot National Park
Painted Honeyeater hard to spot, other birds easy to see. Also seen White throated Gerygone, Speckled Warbler, Mistletoebird and a Bronze-Cuckoo species.
David Mcinnes
Painted Honeyeater
Killawarra Forest
Painted Honeyeater (1) Vocal but flighty, took a while to track (Moderators note: The third record sent to Birdline in the last few days. This species has obviously returned to Victoria for the spring a little early than previous years. It may be a good year for this species, keep an eye and ear out for them in the northern woodlands).
Daniel Pendavingh
Freckled Duck, Spotted Harrier, Latham’s Snipe
Eastern Treatment Plant, Bangholme
Birds moving coastwise from inland Australia included 36 Freckled Duck, 770 Pink-eared Duck, 2,450 Grey Teal, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 2 White-necked Heron, an adult Spotted Harrier, 2,750 Eurasian Coot and 6 Red-kneed Dotterel. Returning international waders were 10 Latham’s Snipe, 1 Common Sandpiper, 11 Red-necked Stint and 24 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper.
Mike Carter, Dawn Neylan, Alison Kuiter & David Stabb per Tim Dolby
Fan-tailed Cuckoo
Merri Creek, about 100 metres upstream of Blyth St bridge (near CERES)
One adult seen flitting around in trees over the creek about 9:00 am. I didn't hear it but was riding past on my bike and would have been within earshot for less than a minute. My first record along the Merri in nearly ten years of daily (weekday) commutes.
Paul Peake
Tue 18 Sep
Ruddy Turnstone, Red-necked Stint
Mornington Peninsula NP, Mushroom Reef
Ruddy Turnstones 8 - 10. First spring arrivals, all in non-breeding plumage. Red-necked Stints 35 - 40. I accidentally scared about 20 off onto a partially submerged rock just offshore, the other 20 or so were foraging through seaweed with the turnstones.
Tim Nickholds
Tue 18 Sep
Oriental Pratincole
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Oriental Pratincole (1) In the first long lagoon on the right after you go through the western Lagoons gate
Meryl Watson
Tue 18 Sep
Black-eared Cuckoo
Serendip Sanctuary
Was pleasantly surprised to see a Black-eared Cuckoo ( it was not calling ) near the Wildlife walk.
Simon Starr
Scarlet Honeyeater
Yeerung River Nature Trail
For the second day in a row, Scarlet Honeyeaters were observed and heard actively feeding in the flowering stringybarks along the first 500m of the path after crossing the concrete bridge at the Yeerung. 18 noted yesterday and another 8 today.
Jacquie and Len Axen
Mon 17 Sep
Dicrurus bracteatus (Spangled drongo)
Willow Park, Wodonga
Difficult to see clearly, but certainly unusual sighting in this area. I will attempt to verify this sighting.
John Shearer
Sun 16 Sep
White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike, Crested Bellbird
South-east Edge of Whroo Forest.
2 light morph White-bellied Cuckoo-shirkes & an enqusitive male Crested Bellbird seen.
Kevin Bartram
Speckled Warbler, Black-eared Cuckoo, Gilbert's Whistler etc
Lots of activity around Bailieston. Speckled Warbler a pair present; Black-eared Cuckoo on the ridge. Had all 6 local species of Pachycephalidae in the one place on the ridge: Gilbert's, Golden, Rufous Whistler, Grey Shrike-thrush, Crested Bellbird & Shriketit. Also 2 Chestnut-rumped Heathwrens on ridge. Lots of cuckoos: Fantailed, Pallid & Horsfield's Bronze (no Shining). Painted Buttonquail heard. I thought I may have heard Painted Honeyeater, but not certain, so worth watching out for.
Kevin Bartram
Painted Honeyeater
Earlston, north of Violet Town
First record for the season.
Doug Robinson
Gull-billed Tern
WTP Werribee
Single bird flying south along North Spit lagoon before turning inland towards T-Section lagoons. Poor quality 'record shot' photographs obtained.
P S Lansley
Spotless Crake, Baillon's Crake and Latham's Snipe
Jacana Wetlands, south (downstream) of the Western Ring Road
One Spotless Crake called for most of the two and a half hours that I was there and eventually showed about 15 m away; one Baillon's Crake at each of two localities afforded excellent and extensive views from 5 - 20 m away; and the first Latham's Snipe for the season seen foraging along the water's edge. Also many Grey Fantails, Little Grassbirds and several Spotted Pardalotes.
Charles Silveira
Fri 14 Sep
Cape Barren Geese
Graydens Rd btn Watts & Jones Rd Tyabb
Two Cape Barren Geese were grazing on a private paddock on south side of Graydens Rd about 100m from fence.
Dianne Boon
Mallee Emu-wren
Pink Lakes NP, 4.3km east of Pink Lakes Rd on Pioneer Drive
Two family parties of Mallee Emu-wrens seen close to Pioneer Rd in spinifex dominated Mallee woodland. Chestnut Quail-thrush, Red-capped Robin, Variegated and Splendid Wrens all in same vicinity.
Kathy Costello, Daphne Hards
Thu 6 Sep
Fluttering Shearwaters
Barwon River Estuary
I saw a large flock of Fluttering Shearwaters sheltering in the estuary on a stormy day. Took a very bad photo as it was hard to get close to them (photo attached)
Jennifer Carr