Nice! At least image 4 shows a Carnaby's Black Cockatoo.
Nikolas Haass
Sydney, NSW
From: Echidna Walkabout JD <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 7:24 PM
Subject: white-tailed Black-cockatoos at Yanchep, WA
Hi all
We saw an enormous flock (at least 500, I estimated 1000) white-tailed
Black-cockatoos flying across the highway in Yanchep NP on Friday 22nd
June at around 3.10pm. I have a few photos, which suggest Carnaby's,
but I also have calls recorded which suggest Baudin's. The call has a
high-pitched whistling quality - more of a "wa - witch-ow!" than a
"wy-lah". Listening to both species' calls on the Morcombe Iphone app
today still left me in some doubt - the flock call of the Carnaby's is
possible (and this was a huge flock), but most of the calls I recorded
were of single birds or pairs that had stopped near us. Also, some of
the birds were seen tearing at the bark of rough-barked eucalyptus trees
- a habit noted for Baudin's (according to Simon Nevill's Birds of the
Greater South West.)
Here is a link to a Picasa album with the best photos I have:
https://picasaweb.google.com/112756569112498336946/PicsWAJune2012 ;
Please forgive the poor quality of the photos. I can't figure out a way to
upload the sound recordings, but I can email them to anyone who
wants them.
I know the location strongly suggests Carnaby's but the call is really
giving me trouble. Being from Melbourne I really don't know these birds
at all.
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