When I was gathering records for a report on birds of Greater Southern Sydney -
see the link here
I obviously managed to obtain a few records from Western Sydney, though I could
obviously validate few though this usually meant they were historic (often
Museum records) or spatially inaccurate (and often both). I actually recall
being surprised at how few records were from the Blue Mountains (though our
study area didn't cover all potential sites). I wrote the profile and still
believe this species is probably declining and is worthy of listing on the
Threatened Species Act.
However, they certainly do move about and turn up in the odd strange spot - I
personally saw them near the swamp (can't recall the name) in Seven Mile Beach
NP near Shoalhaven Heads - I am not aware of any other records from that area
and at the time I thought it was odd habitat.
> Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 14:32:05 +1000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Beautiful Firetails in western Sydney
> Hi all
> I was interested to see a couple of recent records of this great little
> species in western Sydney listed on Eremaea. Edwin Vella mentioned that his
> 17 Jun record and another from Keith Brandwood were the only records he was
> aware of for western Sydney. In the 1970s, probably around 1978, as a very
> young birder I was excited to find this species and get very close views on
> a family friends' property at Kenthurst in thick melaleuca scrub along a
> creek line in open forest where Red-browed Finches were common and
> Double-barreds also present. I don’t recall exactly which street this
> property was on. With a lot of large properties and quite a bit of natural
> vegetation remaining in this area, a lot of it on private land, and north
> to the Hawkesbury through areas like Maraylya, Cattai National Park,
> Mitchell Park and Maroota/Canoelands to the east, its quite possible the
> species still survives in Sydney's northwest.
> Do other Birding-aus readers have records from the Sydney area other than
> the known populations to the south in Royal National Park and further west
> in the Blue Mountains?
> Eric Finley
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