Thanks for the ID tip.
Happy to go with the flow.
I published it as Masked as claimed based mainly on the size of the
talons. The face was very Barn but I figured talon size was less
Chris Charles
Birdline NSW Moderator
0421 911 184
On 04/05/2012, at 11:28 AM, Lloyd Nielsen wrote:
It is a very typical Eastern Barn Owl. Facial mask, wing pattern
and feet are typical Barn Owl. We have done a lot of work in N Qld
in separating the tropical race kimberli of Masked Owl from Eastern
Barn Owl. One of the best field marks for separating them is the
edging to the mask. In Barn Owl, the dark/black continues up the
disc to about a third of the way from the base. This does not seem
to vary. In Masked Owl, it continues much further up and often
right around the disk. This seems to be slightly more variable in
the southern races but even in them it always seems to continue
further up the disc than in Barn Owl.
Lloyd Nielsen
Mt Molloy, Nth Qld
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