I loved it.
Especially the quote " See that green tree over there" I'm forever saying
-----Original Message-----
From: Gunnar Engblom <>
To: BIRDCHAT <>; sabirdnet
<>; birding-nz <>; Baus
<>; ukbirdnet <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 29, 2012 4:33 am
Subject: [Birding-Aus] Birding video going viral!
"Here we go" - sorry for crossposting.
There is video on YouTube about birding and us birders that is going viral
ince yesterday by Jason Kessler http://youtu.be/NaX7i1Q7-Rw. It is very
unny. It has almost 15000 views in only 3 days. I managed to get an
nterview with Jason here
ttp://birdingblogs.com/2012/Gunnar/shit-birders-say and you can also watch
he video there. And there is a small competition there as well. Can you
uess how many views the clip will have by May 3?
Now what strikes me is that it would be fantastic if this short video could
each say a million viewers. Why? It would have an tremendous impact
ridging to non-birders. The combination of this view of birders and the
ne that is showing on the film the Big Year makes a fuller picture what
irding is all about. The struggles with identification and problems of
ointing out a bird to someone.
I ask you please to send/share the video or my blogpost to all birders you
now or anyone you know who has seen The Big Year movie.
Have a laugh...maybe you even recognize yourself.
unnar Engblom-Lima, Peru.
unnar's Blog <http://www.kolibriexpeditions.com/birdingperu/blog/> ´
irdingblogs.com <http://birdingblogs.com/> - fabulous bloggers and me.
ollow me on www.twitter.com/kolibrix
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