Sun 23 Oct
Rainbow Bee-eater, Peaceful Dove
Molongolo upstream from Murrumbidgee
Between 8:00 and 10:00 following in Michael Kingford's tracks, saw Rainbow Bee-eaters in several places along the Murrumbidgee and Molongolo, near their confluence and towards Uriarra Crossing.
Also saw and heard a Peaceful Dove near the plank bridge over the Molongolo.
Rick Kuhn and Mary Gorman
Buff-banded Rail
Single bird on Ginninderra creek just north of the suspension bridge near the school.
Peter Christian
Satin Flycatcher
Umbagong Park, Latham
Pair by the climbing tower 9.30 this morning.
Peter Christian
Sat 22 Oct
Rainbow Bee-eater
Woodstock Nature Reserve
I observed six Rainbow Bee-eaters hawking for insects and paying some attention to each other on the Uriarra Loop this afternoon. They were right down on the Molonglo just before it joins the Murrumbidgee.
Michael Kingsford
Rainbow Lorikeet
Macquarie Oval
10 Rainbow Lorikeets - highest number I've ever recorded at this locality. Also 3 Superb Parrots.
Frank Antram
Fri 21 Oct
Superb Parrot
Cook suburb, ACT
Half a dozen superb parrots feeding in the eucs behing the parkcare noticeboard off Booth cr at around 0730 this morning.
Ben Walmsley
Thu 20 Oct
Painted Button-quail
The track to Booroomba rocks car park
The bird was happy for me to takes photos from the car while he foraged along the road next to the car
Roger Williams
Wed 19 Oct
White-bellied Sea Eagle
Mt Stromlo Forest Park
Juvenile WBSE flew sedately over at low level being harassed by a few magpies. Was heading from the Lake towards Mt Stromlo.
Michael Kingsford
White-winged Triller
Kama reserve
I could only see a single bird, quite high in a eucalypt
Roger Williams
Tue 18 Oct
Intermediate Egret, Cattle Egret, Great Egret
Kelly's Swamp & Jerrabomberra Wetland, Fyshwick
A red-letter day for herons with 1 Great Egret, 1 Intermediate Egret, 4 White-faced Heron, 3 Cattle Egret 1 Nankeen Night-Heron (1) Juvenile
...and 3 Australian Painted Snipe
Alastair Smith
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Fyshwick Sewage Treatment Plant
Six Sharp-tailed Sandpipers on pond 5 this morning.
Alastair Smith
Satin Flycatcher
Pinnacle Nature reserve
Apart from the usuals, the Pinnacle threw up a brilliant male Satin Flycatcher, on his way to the ranges, no doubt.
B Allen
Crested Shrike-tit, Brown Quail
Lake Ginninderra peninsula
Lake Ginninderra peninsula treated me with some of its regulars which you can’t be guaranteed to see: a pair of Crested Shrike-tit; two Brown Quail; and at least one Golden-headed Cisticola.
B Allen
Buff-banded Rail
Ginninderra Creek, Giralang. Down stream of Giralang pond.
A single bird, foraging in the reed beds
Duncan McCaskill
Mon 17 Oct
Plumed Whistling-Duck
New artificial ponds, Hawdon St , Dickson
28 in cohesive flock
Geoffrey Dabb
Stubble Quail
Flushed Stubble Quail in paddock between west Belconnen pond and Fassifern pond. At least three spotted.
Scott Ryan
Pink-eared Duck
Fyshwick STW
At around 13:00 a single Pink-eared Duck at the Fyshwyck sewage works. This is the first I have seen this calendar year. Also 3 juvenile Sharp-tailed Sandpipers.
PJ Milburn
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Jerrabomberra Wetlands
At around 13:00, 2 juvenile Sharp-tailed Sandpipers at Kelly's Swamp on the mud opposite the Cygnus Hide. [Also 3 juvenile Sharp-tailed Sandpipers on the sewage pond.]
PJ Milburn
Latham's Snipe
West Belconnen Pond, Dunlop, ACT
A single bird feeding on the mud that has been exposed by the falling water level.
Stephen Wallace