I think a population of Willy Wagtails at the WTP with leucistic
individuals has been present for at least 20 years.
Back in the days when we used to enter by Farm Rd, on BOC outings we
always used to stop by the stockyards to look for them. I only once saw
a bird which was nearly all white, but saw several with dilute brownish
colouring or with extra white in the plumage - or both. Most birds at
this location were normal, but there were often one or two with abnormal
Someone should ask Fred Smith about this.
Anthea Fleming
On 19/10/2011 7:32 PM, Sonja Ross wrote:
I am one of the moderators of the BOCA Photo Gallery and one of the
photographers, George, and I would be interested in comments about the unusual
plumage of a Willie Wagtail he photographed recently at the Western Treatment
Plant at Werribee, Vic. The images are on the front page of the gallery and
they are the two most recent currently. (Double click to enlarge the
Sonja Ross
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