Hi Folks,
Last week I went up to Mt. Carbine on the Mt. Molloy to Cooktown Road to
a small dam where a Snipe sp. was seen. Whilst it is thought by most
local birders that the snipe passing through our region of far north
Queensland areLatham's, Swinhoe's has also been identified here; whether
this is fact or theory I'm not sure. Most literature I've read usually
concludes they are only reliably separated in the hand so I'm intrigued
that many observers are definite about their sightings in the field, it
would appear that they are going on field guide distribution maps and
not on field characteristics. I've positively identified all three
species, which occur in Australia, in the hand but not in the field. If
anyone can tell me which species it was at the dam I've posted an image
onto our blog this week.
Keith& Lindsay Fisher
Kingfisher Park Birdwatchers Lodge
RN 6 Mt. Kooyong Road
Julatten QLD 4871
Ph : (07) 4094 1263
Web Site: www.birdwatchers.com.au
Blog: http://kingfisherparkbirdwatchers.blogspot.com/
Winner: Wet Tropics 2010 Cassowary Award for Nature Based Tourism
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