
re golden bower bird

To: "neil mcfarlane" <>, <>
Subject: re golden bower bird
From: "Alan Gillanders" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 16:58:28 +1000
3.2 kilometres south of the Mt Hypipamee turn off is a road to the left. Park here, walk 400 metres up slope and 25 down form the crest. Turn right and head down slope, south, for 40 metres keeping the gully on your left. If you go too far right you'll see two flagged trees.
Please do not blaze the trees on the track as some idiot did. This happened 
within a week of my posting this site on this site. Do not mark the track in 
any way as the EPA people get very upset about this.

From: "neil mcfarlane" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 5:58 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Birding-Aus] re golden bower bird

I’m up in north qld ticking off so many birds from a list I have yet to see, but can not seem to find a golden bower bird. Can someone suggest a location

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