
: Guides for Wildflowers and trees

Subject: : Guides for Wildflowers and trees
From: Gordon and Pam Cain <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 18:15:03 +1000
Hi All,

My wife asked me to post this to you wonderful lot. She's after guides for both
Wildflowers, and

Trees -- native and non-native.

I told her I thought any book covering all of Aus would be either too big or would cover too little. So regional guides would also be good. We live in the Sydney Basin.
And she wants a guide that doesn't require specialist knowledge -- ones 
in which it is easy to look up trees and wildflowers even if you don't 
know what they are!
(Any great guides on mushrooms and fungi out there?)

Cheers and thanks in advance,
Gordon Cain, who still isn't sure what's a gum tree and what's eucalypt and what's an ironbark. . .
Schofields, NW Sydney


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