Hi all,
I got this set of photos while at Williamstown yesterday:
The bird came from the east along the shore line and then turned out over the
harbour. After seeing the Silver Gulls ferociously mobbing a Kestrel minutes
earlier, they surprisingly left this bird alone. I thought Square-tailed Kite
at first, but the underwing pattern and tail aren't right. Another thought
entered my head, but that would be insanity. Note the large grey beak with
black tip in the last photo.
Any comments or suggestions welcome!
This bird came at the end of a long weekend of fantastic fun birding - Ed
Williams and I went up to Murray-Sunset and Hattah-Kulkyne NPs and managed to
bag some really nice birds. On the Monday, I even managed to get Black-faced
Cormorant in Williamstown and Swift Parrots at Royal Park. 31 lifers for the
weekend (32 if this raptor is ID'd). I'm writing a trip report at the moment
and I"ll post the link here later.
Thanks to everyone who offered advice about Melbourne birding over the last
couple of weeks.
Photos, paintings and drawings of Australian, NZ, Swiss and British Birds
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