Sun 24 Apr
Red-chested Button-quail, Diamond Firetail
A RCBQ flushed from the side of the road whilst cycling. My first sighting on the property.
Also an immature Diamond Firetail with a flock of Zebra Finchs, at least 500 metres from the nearest tree, and kms from the nearest breeding areas. Good to see young birds dispersing in the area.
Simon Starr
Plumed Whistling Duck, Brown Quail, Buff-banded Rail
"The Meadows" conservation reserve, Tomara, Patho plains
at least 70 Plumed Whistling Duck, included many young of all sizes.
A few Brown Quail flushed aswell as many Stubble Quail, hundreds of Black Duck present
Simon Starr
Rose Robin
100 Acres Reserve, Park Orchards
A male Rose Robin was seen well, for almost 10 minutes, on the Long Leaved Box Track late this morning. It foraged both low and high with several other birds, Striated Thornbill, Grey Fantail, Eastern Spinebill. This is the first we have seen here in nineteen years of observing.
Alan and Hazel Veevers
Fan-tailed cuckoo
Neerim East State Forest
Male bird calling loudly in lowland forest/damp forest
Rob Gully
Sat 23 Apr
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren, Little Friarbird, Singing Honeyeater, Brown Quail
Kamarooka section of Greater Bendigo National Park, Bendigo Block
Highlights of an explosive day in the national park included a Chestnut-rumped Heathwren in open woodland along Camp Rd east of Bendigo-Tennyson Rd. Surprisingly sparse habitat, Little Friarbird in large mixed flock of Noisy Friarbird & Red Wattlebird. Perched briefly allowing close views. A Singing Honeyeater seen in mallee scrub along Bendigo-Tennyson Rd, and a Brown Quail flushed along Camp Rd east of Bendigo-Tennyson Rd. Thousands of Yellow-faced HE throughout entire park, with huge numbers of Red Wattlebird, Noisy Friarbird, Striated Pardalote, Musk, Purple-crowned and smaller numbers of Little Lorikeet, Dusky Woodswallow and White-naped Honeyeater. Most bird activity was in areas of flowering mallee.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Powerful Owl
Jumping Creek Reserve, Warrandyte
Single bird (most likely a male, head looks fairly flat) roosting at 3 metres high in small gum on the ridge road above Blue Tongue Bend walking track.
Paul Randall (
Fri 22 Apr
Red-capped Robin
Banyule Flats Reserve
One female Red-capped Robin about half way down the path that links the main track with the old windmill. Hadn't seen this species here before.
Dirk Tomsa
White-headed Pigeon
Around sunset this evening, an adult White-headed Pigeon was observed quietly perched on our barbecue sheltering from a cold and gusty wind change that swept through Marlo.
Len and Jacquie Axen
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
Hastings Foreshore
Two birds seen around foreshore area. First sighting of these birds here for us!
Sue and Stephen King
Nicholson's Lane near Campbelltown
Pair of Brolgas on shallow grassy wetland
Geoff Park
Black-faced Monarch, Bassian Thrush
Cabbage Tree Palms Reserve
A pair of Bassian Thrush provided extended views as they quietly fed along the pathway at the Cabbage Tree Palms Picnic Ground. A vocal Black-faced Monarch was another unexpected observation so late in the season while large numbers of Crescent and Yellow-faced Honeyeaters were seen feeding amongst the vegetation that borders the creek.
Len and Jacquie Axen
Brown Goshawk.
Hoppers Crossing 3029.
At 0710hrs, I was alerted by the alarm calls of some local honeyeaters to the presence of a Brown Goshawk. I observed the bird flying in and around tree lines at mine and neighbouring larger suburban blocks.
Peter Gibbons
Thu 21 Apr
Tawny Frogmouth.
Hoppers Crossing 3029.
From about 2000hrs onwards for about an hour, my son and I observed a Tawny Frogmouth at the rear of my home perching on the pergola and nearby trees then swooping to the ground. It appeared to be preying on Bent Wing Swift Moths, that emerge this time of the year after rain and were attracted to a large (low energy!) light I had on.
Peter & Kristian Gibbons.
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii graptogyne)
Lake Ratzcastle ( 12km South of Goroke )
Returned from this location today. 80-100 of these birds observed
feeding & roosting within the Reserve during our 2 night stay.
Keith & Judy Humphreys
Brown Quail
Edwards Point State Faunal Reserve
Half way down Edwards Point, nearly stepped on it! (1).
Angus Hartshorn
Fantailed Cuckoos
Banyule Flats, Heidelberg
At least two, probably three male Fantail Cuckoos heard calling (downward trill) at Banyule Flats, near the south arm of the Billabong. I got a brief glimpse of one flying off southwards. Then heard sustained calls from at least one female (fife-like 'whooo').
Anthea Fleming
Swift Parrots
At least 40 swifties this morning feeding in Grey Box, started off foggy and then the sun came through. Plenty of honeyeaters with them. Along Golflinks Road.
Debbie Worland
Wed 20 Apr
Grey Butcherbird
Treasury Gardens Melbourne
Approx 12:30 hrs a lone Grey Butcherbird heard (but not seen) high in the trees near the old bandstand opposite Mercy private Hospital.
David Whelan
Tue 19 Apr
Sooty Oystercatcher
"Sailor's Grave" East Cape Conran
2 pairs of Sooty Oystercatchers were sighted feeding amongst the kelp that had been washed up around the rocks at Sailor's Grave this morning.
Len and Jacquie Axen
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Inglewood 10' Cell
Near Town Hall (2). First record for this cell.
Malcolm Cousland
Southern Scrub-robin
Kooyoora State Park (Glenalbyn block)
1 on track at north of block.
Malcolm Cousland
Red-kneed Dotterel
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
First one I have seen for a long time - on the long spit of land in the Paradise Rd Lagoon. Also several Buff-banded Rails in a very brief visit.
Dave Torr, Peter Gibbons
Spotted Harrier and Black Falcon
Moolort - Baringhup Rd, Moolort Plains
Pair of Spotted Harriers and a single Black Falcon were the highlights amongst a host of raptors - 20+ Brown Falcons, Black Kite, Whistling Kites (3), Australian Kestrels (8), Black-shouldered Kite (7), Swamp Harrier (2) and Wedge-tailed eagle all sighted within a 5km radius over 2 hours.
Geoff Park
Buff-banded Rail, Brown Quail, Common Greenshank, Royal Spoonbill, White-necked Heron, Double-banded
Cheetham Wetlands (Altona Meadows)
Buff-banded Rail: (1). Brown Quail: (6). Common Greenshank: (20). Royal Spoonbill: (4). White-necked Heron: (1). Double-banded Plover: (50). Peregrine Falcon: (1).
Kasun Ekanayake
Leaden Flycatcher, Rose Robin
Spring Plains Nature Conservation Reserve, Heathcote
There was a female Leaden Flycatcher and a young male Rose Robin along Campbells Track in Spring Plains NCR this morning, alongside several Flame & Scarlet Robin, White-browed Babbler, Restless Flycatcher, etc.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Flame Robin
Yuroke Creek, Westmeadows Victoria
2pm in the riparian area of native vegetation 500 m west of Ripplebrooke Drive.
Craig MacKenzie
Crested Shrike-tit, Laughing Kookaburra, Little Black Cormorant.
Werribee River Regional Park.
A brief morning visit to the new Werribee River Regional Park, revealed amongst 30+ species, two Crested Shrike-tit, four Laughing Kookaburra and a flock of two hundred plus Little Black Cormorant which were flying up stream.
Peter Gibbons and Dave Torr.
Plumed Whistling-Duck, Black-tailed Native-hen.
Serendip Sanctuary, Lara.
One Plumed Whistling-Duck, observed at the waters edge northern end of Farm Dam, visible from the southern bird hide. One Black-tailed Native-hen, observed on western bank of Farm Dam. Thanks to previous posting by Ruth Woodrow and Paul Dodd on 09/04/11 and later information from Ruth.
Peter Gibbons and Dave Torr.
Regent Honeyeater
Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park (Chiltern)
Two unbanded and one banded (but wild origin) observed this afternoon. Poor quality photo attached.
Michael Ramsey and Matt Weeks
Mon 18 Apr
Double-banded Plover
5 Double-banded Plovers were observed feeding on the sandflats adjacent to the ocean entrance at Mallacoota this afternoon.
Len and Jacquie Axen
Little Lorikeet
Royal Park/Melbourne Zoo
At least one pair, possibly more in the Zoo and other birds heard amongst the throng of Musk Lorikeets near the golf course.
Sean Dooley
White-necked Heron
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
3 White-necked Herons standing out amongst the Black-winged Stilts, and at least two or three Red-necked Avocets have returned Walsh's Lagoon.
Sonja Ross
Red-necked Avocet
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
In the first pond over the crossing of the river we noticed 7 Red-necked Avocets feeding among Black-winged Stilts and Swans.
Hedley and Irena Earl
Australasian Gannet
Port Philip Bay
When visiting the WTP today our attention was drawn to the sight of birds 'dive bombing' in the water off the coast. Several gannets were displaying their skills at fishing!
Hedley and Irena Earl
White-winged Black Tern, Fairy Tern, Zebra Finch, White-bellied Sea Eagle
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
Not a bad morning of birding at the plant with quite a few White-winged Black Terns (10+) in breeding plumage seen hunting over Lake Borrie as well as a few on the rocks with Fairy Terns (30+) near the Beach Rd gate. Sea Eagle was hunting a few hundred metres off the coast from the mouth of Little River and Zebra Finch were seen near the Paradise Rd ponds. Also ran into the tame Brown Falcon that Kevin reported yesterday, posed very nicely for photos.
Paul Randall (
Flame Robin (8), White-necked Heron
Newport Lakes Park
First returning Flame Robins here for the year with 2 males and 6 brown birds in grassed area on north-west hill. Hive of noise & activity elsewhere with big flocks of Musk Lorikeet, Red Wattlebird and Silvereye, a White-necked Heron with 5 White-faced Heron and 2 Darter on North Lake, plus a marauding Collared Sparrowhawk causing havoc.
Steve Davidson
Sun 17 Apr
Australasian Grebe
Aireys Inlet Treatment Ponds
At least 22 were sighted on the lower, left hand, pond on a BELLBOCA outing. Also seen along the road adjacent to the ponds were 6 - 8 Flame Robins
BELLBOCA per Peter Bright
Blue-winged Parrot, White-winged Black Tern, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Cattle Egret
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
On a great morning's birding we had amongst many others 13 White-winged Black Tern on Lake Borrie, one of which is in complete breeding plumage (see awesome high-quality image taken with Swarovski/iPhone technology.) Blue-winged Parrot: 2 seen and heard positively, another small flock of 9 Neophemas seen presumably this species, Western Lagoons/Coastal Rd. 2 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper still hanging around the T-section, and 13 Cattle Egret consorting with a herd of Angus along Paradise Rd. Also 3 Lewin's Rail behind Spit, Spotless Crake, Flame Robin and over 100 Fairy Tern scattered along coast.
Steven Davidson - The Melbourne Birder
Tawny Frogmouth
McCormack St (between Bridge & Liardet Sts) Port Melbourne
Heard calling continuously from 10.30 to 10.35pm. Shortest call was about 18 notes, longest about 36 notes. This species has been heard before in this area over several years. Wonderful to have them in inner Melbourne!
Janine Duffy, Roger Smith
Blue-winged Parrot, White-bellied Sea-eagle, Buff-banded Rail etc.
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee
In a few hours at Werribee SF found 3 Blue-winged Parrots (1 adult, 2 immatures) in a bit of scrub just north of the saltmarsh area on the east side of Point Wilson Rd. Also in scrub, a uncoloured Flame Robin, Grey Fantail imm. Had an immature White-bellied Sea-eagle on L. Borrie, 4 Buff-banded Rails (no Lewin's). Also had a very tame Brown Falcon, got nice pickies of it (see photo).
Kevin Bartram
Musk Lorikeet
Newport Lakes Park
Conservative estimate (20) - busily feeding.
Sonja Sonderegger-Frei
Sat 16 Apr
Australasian Gannet
Peter Booth
Intermediate Egret, Yellow-faced Honeyeater, Australasian Grebe, Australian Shelduck, Silvereye, Lit
Woolamai-Anderson Rail Trail
16-18 Apr. Intermediate Egret: (1). Yellow-faced Honeyeater: (1). Australasian Grebe: (1). Silvereye: (1). Brown Goshawk: (2). Black-shouldered Kite: (1). Flame Robin: (4).
Peter Booth