I used to walk past Coburg Lake on my way to and from school and I spent
countless hours playing and exploring around the lake and Merri Creek in
the 1950s and 60s, then walking my dog there in the 70s. I don't remember
seeing Black Swans or Hardhead; just Mallards, Muscovy ducks and Pacific
Black Ducks (often upstream from the lake). White-faced Herons and
cormorants were there fairly regularly.
Still, it's fantastic that the Council has taken action to remove the geese
and domestic ducks - 147 geese is a huge number for a relatively small area
of water!
Let's hope it becomes a more suitable habitat for native species.
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From: "Wendy" <>
To: <>
Date: 16/04/11 06:31 PM
Subject: Swan's lake returned ....
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I thought I would share some good new....
Recently Moreland Council (inner Melbourne, Vic) arranged the removal of a
large number of domestic geese and ducks from Coburg Lake, on Merri Ck. The
lake had been home for quite a number of native birds. One of my fond
memories was watching a family of 4 Night Herons 2 adults and 2 young,
fishing the rapids below the lake wall. Black swans also regularly bred
there and there was a good population of Hardhead.
In recent years the ferals had taken over the site causing significant
damage to vegetation, water pollution and displacing native birds. Sadly
many well meaning locals would 'feed' these birds. I have watched people
arrive and dump car boot fulls of bread.
A total of 147 geese and 10 domestic ducks were captured and relocated to
farms. A small number (4G, 7D) evaded capture. Further attempts may be made
to capture them or their numbers managed.
Staff had been trying for many years to find a generally acceptable
solution to this growing problem. While the council had received some
adverse reaction, when the environmental reasons etc were explained it was
I wish to heartily thank the Open Space Staff for sorting this problem out.
Wendy Moore
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