
NT opens the door to recreational access on pastoral land

To: Chris Watson <>
Subject: NT opens the door to recreational access on pastoral land
From: Carl Clifford <>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 12:41:51 +1000

Any idea on what the feelings of the leaseholders on this change is? If I was a leaseholder, I would be fighting this tooth and nail. The incidence of damage to property and theft on large rural holdings all over Australia is high enough now, even with the right of a landholder or lessee to challenge the right of anyone to be on their property. With anyone being able to enter leasehold land willy-nilly, the temptation to loot unattended outstations may be too great for some.
The NT Government says they will underwrite public liability claims  
and maintain roads on properties. Anyone who has mounted a public  
liability claim against a Government, will no doubt wish future  
claimant under this scheme lots of luck. As for maintaining the roads  
on properties, well, unless the NT Government has a secret pot of  
gold, I imagine that they, as are other States and Territories, are  
struggling to maintain their present road infrastructures.
I believe it is possible in the NT for leaseholders to convert their  
properties to Fee Simple. If this is so, I can easily imagine there  
will be a rush to convert from Leasehold, which would change matters  
slightly. It would be a game Government which would allow the public  
free access to Fee Simple properties.
The plan to open up leasehold land will be great for birders, amongst  
others, but there will be many problems to be solved, not to mention a  
lot of fighting between vested interests.
One final point on the matter, which might have a bearing on the  
matter, there is an election next year in the NT. It always pays to  
look at the long game.

Carl Clifford

On 05/04/2011, at 8:45 PM, Chris Watson wrote:

G'day all,
The details are on my blog, but this could mean that a lot of the Territory which was previously off limits for birding, may soon be open
to the public.

            Chris Watson
            Alice Springs
*Central Australian birding resource*
*Guiding, writing, and the latest site information*
*from Alice Springs*

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