Annette Cooke for some years since being restricted in her birding activities
was an avid reader of Birding-Aus posts. i received this message form her
Someone out there may have known her or be interested.
> My mother, Annette Cooke was a Birds Queensland member and an active
> participant for a number of years. About 1999 -2000 she was camps officer and
> organised many interesting camps.
> I am writing to inform you that she sadly passed away on Friday night after a
> long battle with a lung condition. She had many friends in the birding
> community of which we do not know how to contact to let them know of her
> death or the funeral details.
> The funeral will be held on Tuesday, 1 March at 1.30pm at the St Paul's
> Anglican Church, Shore Street, Cleveland.
> Kind regards,
> Katherine Cooke
> Katherine Cooke
> M: 0402 628 910
> E:
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