The cynic me might say that if you did adopt this attitude with the police
and took photographs of the individuals involved you may find your car was a
lot less roadworthy than you may have at first thought.
The fact is, that while you may have the right to be on public land, in this
post 9-11 world you don't have the right to take photographs of anything you
want to photograph. Police are entitled to stop and if necessary detain you
if they can show (even afterwards) they reasonably considered you may have
been photographing something you shouldn't have been.
Bird watchers might have got a poor deal, but some people's hobby is
photographing aeroplanes, and in particular military ones. Imagine the
problems they have!
From: "Scot Mcphee" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:48 AM
To: <>
Subject: can hardly believe it
On 29 March 2010 17:06, Liz <> wrote:
You'll be pleased to know it happens in the UK too Judith.
It went roughly as follows (shortened version):
all I can say I am incensed by this entire thread. the police have no
general right to stop and search members of the public. frankly they
are no better than petty thugs.
you also have a general right to be on public lands and photograph
mostly anything you like - including the policemen who harrass you.
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