Birdline NSW
Published sightings for the week ending 21 Mar 2010.
Sun 21 Mar Musk Duck Moss Vale (wetlands on the way to Berrima -
off Berrima Rd.)
One bird seen on wetlands late afternoon - my first for the Southern
Highlands. I've now seen 148 species in the Southern Highlands.
Lorne Johnson
Grey Goshawk Ellalong (private property on the corner of Wallaby
Gully Rd and Q4) - Cessnock Shire
One bird being pursued by Noisy Miners over paddocks on my
father-in-law's property this afternoon. Other highlights from last
night and today: Australian Owlet-nightjar, Southern Boobook, Brown
Goshawk, Little and Musk Lorikeets, Gang-gang Cockatoos, Fuscous
Honeyeater, White-throated Gerygone, Jack Winter, Eastern Shrike-tit.
Unfortunately, no Regent or Painted Honeyeaters, even though mistletoe
is in flower.
Lorne Johnson
White Bellied Sea Eagle Bobbin Head Road Turramurra
Single adult bird flew north over my house approx 10am (being mobbed by
the Ravens) heading for Bobbin Head(?). (Next major body of water due
south is the inner harbour at Hunters Hill, although ther's nothing to
say it didn't come south from Bobbn Head in the first place.)
Tom Wilson
Sat 20 Mar Regent Honeyeater & Wandering Whistling Duck Kitchener
near Cessnock & Walka Water Works, Maitland
Spent 40 minutes on the Kearsley Firetrail, Kitchener at 8:45 am looking
for the Regent Honeyeaters, and managed to find one, about 400m along
the trail and another was heard nearby. Little Lorikeets, Jacky Winter
and Scarlet honeyeaters were the best of the other birds. Later that
afternoon visited Walka Water Works where there was a single Wandering
Whistling Duck and many Great Crested Grebes with dependent young.
Luke McPherson and Alan Morris
Fri 19 Mar New Holland Honeyeater Blacktown
At least two, possibly more New Holland Honeyeaters in suburban street
spotted around sunset. First time I've seen them in my home town of over
40 years.
John Cresswell
Powerful Owl Thornleigh (Larool Creek Valley)
Two heard at 4:10am presumably male and female by the noticeably
different calls (low and slow, higher and faster). Moderator Note:
Powerful Owl calling is not uncommon in suitable habitat at this time of
the year in the lead up to breeding.
Lewis Benham
Regent Honeyeater (update) Werakata NP, Kitchener (near
6 Regents seen today on the fire trail at Kitchener. The first 3 birds
seen were not anywhere near blossom, but in the same large Spotted Gum I
saw the first bird in last week, gleaning the foliage for something (no
obvious lerp present). 2 birds in an Ironbark down the gully (again, no
blossom). Single bird seen in a flowering Stringybark along the track.
Several Black-chins, including 6 birds doing a display flight as a tight
group. Also 6 Spotted Quail-thrush seen as a pair + a group of 4.
Mick Roderick
Black Bittern Erina Creek
One Black Bittern and an Azure Kingfisher seen in Erina Creek
Christina Port
Thu 18 Mar Radjah Shelduck, Beach Stone-curlew Myall Lakes / Old
The now lonely Radjah Shelduck is still at Bombah Point, Myall Lakes. I
searched for an hour in vain, then as the ferry took me over the strait
I saw him 5m away on the shore! A Beach Stone-curlew was seen earlier
through the heat haze from Mudbishops Point at Old Bar. A few
Double-banded Plovers there and at Harrington. No Magellanic Penguins
seen on the numerous beaches and headlands searched.
Mick Roderick
Wed 17 Mar Cape Barrren Goose Ulladulla
I did a little bit checking on the CB Goose as I had seen 2 at the
Ulladulla / milton show 2 wks ago. Mike Jarmin of the NSWPW told me he
had phoned the guy who had exibited these birds but said he hadn't lost
any. So the mystery of their appearance remains. I checked on the sports
field where it was last seen this morning but the bird had flown.
Bob Rusk
Tue 16 Mar Powerful Owl Wollstonecraft
Powerful Owl calling at 11.30 pm in Smoothey Park near Wollstonecraft
Railway Station. Small groups of Musk Lorikeets around Greenwich and
Wollstonecraft as a variety of eucs are flowering [inc. Ironbarks]
Ted Nixon
Cape Barren Goose ulladulla
Update. 8.30pm Dave Stepheson went to check on C B G which was then
spooked and flew 200mts east to the playing fields on Deering st
(towards Lighthouse, flying to either end when approached. Seems lost as
it is honking frequently.
Bob rusk
Cape Barren goose Ulladulla
A single C B Goose feeding on a lawn crnr Thadalee and Deering Sts
Ulludulla. Approachable but wary, didn't want to over alarm it by going
too close. Don't know if injured or escapee, the owner of the house said
it had been there all afternoon. No wing clips, bands on legs or any
other of domestic signs. It must be said that we dont get a lot of these
in Ulladulla.
B.Rusk,P & M Moffat and C & K Macleay
Little Penguin Just off northern side of Ballast Point Park.
Circling and chasing bait fish out of the water at Ballast Point Park.
Not sure if this is particularly unusual but I have never spotted them
so near to the Balmain Pensula.
Des Bowden
Mon 15 Mar Possible Magellanic Penguin Booti Booti National Park -
Elizabeth Beach, Pacific Palms, NSW
Seen in the surf at c.1pm. 99% certain it's a Magellanic, have seen
Magellanic in Argentina and African in Cape Town. The white throat band
did not appear to be as thick as on African Penguins, and the white band
around the face did not appear to be as thick either. Pink skin on the
face was not present around the base of the bill as in Humboldt. Could
not see all the breast so could not check for presence/absence of second
black breast band or speckles. The bird surfaced 5 times, each time for
bewteen 30 seconds and 2 mins, my closest view was from about 10m away.
[Please keep a lookout. Moderator.]
Rafael Furniss
Regent Honeyeater Capertee Valley, Crown Station Rd
Apart from a Regent Honeyeater feeding on Mistletoe & a party of
Bee-eaters few species seen on a warm, still, very bright midday
drive-by. No finches seen.
Chris Charles
Sun 14 Mar Sooty Tern Long Reef Golf Links
A dead and badly de-composed Sooty Tern was found in the gutter outside
the Long Reef Golf Club.
Philip Brook
Double-banded Plovers Deeban Spit, Port Hacking NSW
At high tide near the tip of Deeban Spit. 5 Double-banded Plovers were
seen around flotsam near the water's edge. Believe that to be the first
sighting this year.
Anne Carrick
Spotted Harrier Oakhurst/Plumpton
I glimpsed the black primaries and mottled rufous body of a large raptor
as it glided low past the house, I ran out the front for a better look,
thinking it was the Square-tailed Kite but surprised to find a harrier,
wings elevated legs trailing, the grey barred tail confirming it was a
spotted, a great addition to my backyard list.
Mark Fuller
Beautiful Firetail Barren Grounds Bird Observatory
Seen in low shrubs along Griffiths Trail near Illawarra lookout. Weather
partly sunny and clear. Seen at 1500 hours (1).
Brian White
Great Crested Grebe Penrith Lakes, Cranebrook
8 adult birds seen on large lake beside Cranebrook Rd
Edwin Vella and Janene Luff
Sat 13 Mar Gray Goshawk Fitzroy Falls
Seen from Paines Lookout. Good views. Also seen by Connie Soja. Weather
partly sunny and clear (1).
Brian White
Fri 12 Mar Black Noddy Burgess Beach Forster NSW
Saw black tern like bird fluttering about the wash of waves breaking on
beach. When bird turned I noticed a white cap. Graham Pizzy Field Guide
noted one was seen at Forster in 1972! The tail was fanned and it seemed
to dip into the wash instead of diving like terns.
Lyn Davis
Mon 1 Mar Lesser Sand Plover Longreef Marine Reserve, Dee Why
Observed today what we belive to be a Lesser Sand Plover at Longreef.
Originally we thought double banded, but Lesser Sand Plover seems more
likely from the identification details we got from it.
Joshua Bergmark and Henry Coleman
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