Anyone interested in looking further at this issue can check out the EPBC
page on the Rail and the recovery plan (below)
Interestingly, apparently rodent predation is listed as a Key Threatening
Process, although "Rats do not appear to be a serious problem for the
Woodhen, although they adversely affect the Kentia Palm industry and a
control program is currently underway. However there is potential for
indirect impacts upon Woodhen the population via rat and mouse control
More information at the link.
This plan is not yet on the EPBC page so I am not sure how developed it is.
With regards to the EPBC page, it would be a huge improvement if one could
sign up for daily updates to the page. This really would contribute to the
transparency of the process. In the mean time I have been talking to my
partner in bat advocacy who is much more technologically savvy than I am and
he has set up a 'robot' to watch the EPBC page and report changes to several
matters that we are following. Ideally one would be able to find a robot
that would report on new matters that met specific keywords.
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Carl Clifford
Sent: Sunday, 21 June 2009 12:56 PM
To: Birding-Aus Aus
Subject: Lord Howe Island Rodent Control Draws Flack
Dear All,
The proposed rodent control program on Lord Howe Is. by broadcasting
brodiafacoum baits by helicopter seems to be causing a bit of an
upset. See
Apparently the Lord Howe Woodhen population is to be rounded up , and
removed from the island as they are attracted to the proposed baits.
An interesting exercise in theory, but potentially fraught with
opportunities for Murphy to do his worst. I hope when they round up
the Woodhens, they remove them in several shipments.
Carl Clifford
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