I thoroughly enjoy spending time watching, photographing and experiencing
our native birds in their habitat. But at the same time I also love our six
cats ADN surpisem, surprise, they all stay inside AT ALL TIMES. Therefore,
I confidently say that I am a responsible cat owner. I also advocate the
same in others I know of who are cat enthusiasts. It's called education.
In contributing to this discussion I have two points to make:
a) Those that hate cats are going to be reincarnated as mice in their next
life and need to realize there is more to it than the cats' natural behavior.
b) If it were me buying a $5,000 - 10,000 cat - yes, they are prohibitively
expensive would-be pets - I most certainly would never let it out of my sight,
let alone the house. Should they be established as a breed, I am more than
certain the future owners would be watchful as to where they let their beloved
kitties go.
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