
a tribute to noisy miners

Subject: a tribute to noisy miners
From: Susan Knowles <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 14:54:10 +1000
I admit to being a little surprised by Robyn Charlton's enthusiasm for Noisy miners. Had she seen a group of them attacking a Satin Bowerbird so badly that it could not be saved she might have a little less.
I seems that when they move into an area, usually helped by human 
intervention/ (gardening), many other birds are either driven out or 
killed.  While of course it is foolish to apply human morality to 
birds, surely their impact must be regarded as unfortunate for 

On 28/05/2008, at 10:19 AM, Robyn Charlton wrote:

Greetings all,

I'm currently working on a bird sampling field report for Ecology (Uni). Anyway the comment has come up about Noisy miner aggression towards other
birds. Is it not incredibly hypocritical of us, as a species to  pass
judgment on any other species on this planet. Are we not the worst species be aggressive not only to our own but to others species.We plunder other species territories etc etc etc. I congratulate the noisy miner for it's protectiveness of it's family, community and its resources. I admire its
resourcefulness. How dare we judge this bird  when we have altered its
They only reflect what Humanity as done already!!


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