Your American Herring Gull (AMG) certainly has a strong resemblance to the
Cooktown bird and it may in fact be one because we've just learnt that Vega
and Mongolian have been lumped with AMG. But the differences as I see them
are as follows. These could of course just be individual differences but
together I feel, rule out nominate AMG.
1. Underwing coverts on your bird are barred, ours are plain.
2. Scapulars are much paler on yours.
3. Undertail and uppertail coverts & rump more densely 'spotted' on yours.
4. Primary pattern is different. On ours there is very little black on inner
web of p1 to p4 then an abrupt change with increasing amount of black on
inner web from p5 - p10. On yours the variation of black on inner web is
more gradual.
5. Bill much paler on yours.
6. Legs much duller on yours, ours are brighter and pinker.
Thanks for your valuable contribution to the debate, .
Mike Carter
30 Canadian Bay Road
Mount Eliza VIC 3930
Tel (03) 9787 7136
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