Hi all
As a responsible dog owner nothing bothers me more
than seeing people letting their dogs run around off
lead in areas they shouldn't. I can think
of atleast three areas in recent months (Parks Vic
managed) that are clearly sign-posted (big signs, even
kids would understand) as dogs not being allowed. Two
areas were fenced/gated/signposted CONSERVATION areas.
I get frustrated and normally say something to the
offending dog walker. Usual response is "its ok we do
this all the time" or "its ok he/she is on lead now"
or "I didn't see any signs".
When I enquired to Parks they basically said if they
SEE someone in the act they will talk to them (talk to
them? That all?) So I really truly don't know what
Park's stance is.
I was at a place where some young kids (no idea where
their parents and guardians were) running amok with a
dog at one of these places. I stood at the 'gate' and
pointed at the 'dogs not allowed' sign. Boy did they
grizzle and give me some lip but I stood firmly.
They wandered off but not far so I figured they were
up to no good. I headed off on my walk and it wasn't
long before I spied the kids back inside the area with
their dog. I lifted my camera and long lens up and
aimed it towards them pretending to take a picture of
them. They all squealed and ran for their lives!!!!
Bad nasty woman I was! ;-)
While this was going on my dog was quietly sleeping in
the car with my other half, patiently awaiting my
Unfortunately I think one of the problems is that
there are less and less places where one can take
their dog these days. It is really discouraging. I
certainly find it a challenge to have an enjoyable day
out with my dog and do a bit of birding too. My Collie
is quiet as a mouse with little to no prey drive. Yet
she would be seen as the enemy by some of you folk
simply because she is a dog!
Personally I'd have thought noisy kids, balls, crowds
and litter a greater concern. Those things bother me
Not all dogs and dog owners are bad!
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