
Trip Report - Mallee, Northwest Victoria Nov 2007 (inc. Red-lored Whistl

Subject: Trip Report - Mallee, Northwest Victoria Nov 2007 (inc. Red-lored Whistler)
From: Peter Kyne <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:04:48 +1000
Dear All,

I was lucky enough to tag along with Chris Sanderson on a work/birding trip to the Victorian Mallee last week (21-24 Nov 2007). We visited Wyperfield National Park, Lake Tyrell, Hattah-Kulkyne and Murray-Sunset. The first part of the trip was awash with rain and so Wyperfield was hard work, with little seen in the end due to constant watering from above. Lake Tyrell was also muddy, wet and cold work, but we were blessed with clearer conditions towards the end of the trip.
For the Murray-Sunset portion we joined up with Michael Mack from Merbein, 
one of Chris's volunteers. He did a fantastic job of navigating us through 
Murray-Sunset and we wish to extend him many thanks for a great 2 days. 
Many thanks also to others who provided tips and sites.
Some highlights were (please contact me if you would like any further 
details or directions):
on the Discovery Walk at Wyperfield.
- WHITE-FRONTED and BLACK HONEYEATERS at Gama on the Sunraysia Hwy 
(White-fronteds were also regularly observed in Murray-Sunset) (as 
previously reported by Tim Dolby).
- ORANGE CHAT in the most appalling birding conditions at Lake Tyrell.
- SPOTTED HARRIER 5km south of Ouyen.
- CHESTNUT-CROWNED BABBLER on the Mournpall Track in Hattah (also seen on a couple of occasions in Murray-Sunset). - WHITE-BACKED SWALLOW on the Old Calder Hwy in Hattah, and also on the Calder Hwy between Ouyen and Hattah. - MALLEE EMU-WREN, STRIATED GRASSWREN and SQUARE-TAILED KITE off the Nowingi Track in Hattah. - A flock of 100+ REGENT PARROTS feeding alongside the Red Hill-Colignan Road near Iraak (this is to the SE of Mildura).
- MALLEEFOWL on the Underbool Track in Murray-Sunset.
- CHESTNUT QUAIL-THRUSH, MULGA PARROT and HOODED ROBIN on Pheeny's Track in Murray-Sunset. - An immature (a second year (?) from the description in HANZAB) RED-LORED WHISTLER on the South Bore Track (~1km north of Pheeny's Track in Murray-Sunset). - PURPLE-GAPED HONEYEATER on Pheeny's Track, between South Bore Track and the North-South Settlement Rd, in Murray-Sunset. - GILBERT'S WHISTLER in Mallanbool Flora and Fauna Reserve, to the north of Murray-Sunset.
This was only my second birding visit to the Mallee, managing to miss 
Gilbert's on my first, and so I am able to say that I ticked a Red-lored 
before a Gilbert's Whistler!
Best regards, Pete Kyne (and Chris Sanderson)

Peter M. Kyne

PhD Candidate
Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology
University of Queensland
St Lucia 4072 QLD
Ph: (07) 3365 2720 or 3365 2944
Fax: (07) 3365 1299


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