Hi Alan
You remind me of my first encounter of Pacific Baza's. Well over ten years
ago, It was in Pennant Hills Park at Epping (a north-western suburb of
Sydney) when Lorne Johnson told me that he had been seeing a pair of adults
had a young bird with them. I looked around till I eventually found them and
had my best views ever. The 3 birds were busily feeding and at times hanging
upside down with wings beating (a bit like seeing a flying fox roosting). I
was so close to them I could have almost touched them. Pitty I did not have
a camera them.
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Alan Gillanders
Sent: Monday, 6 August 2007 11:51 AM
To: birding-aus
Subject: Close range Bazas
Could have dome with a photographer just now. As we approached out yard
there were two Bazas sitting beside each other on an avocado tree. Despite
their being no more than 1200 mm apart we were so close that I could not see
all of both birds in the one binocular view. They have continued searching
the garden for stick insects, katydids and frogs. While I like the above
animals I am happy to feed a few of them to the Bazas, particularly the
katydids which are eating my plants.
Alan Gillanders
Alan's Wildlife Tours
2 Mather Road
Yungaburra 4884
Phone 07 4095 3784
Int. + 61 7 4095 3784
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