Greetings Ornithologists,
(Assuming there are some subscribing to birding-aus.)
Perhaps 'Twitchers' might be referred to "Ixers"? It would seem they are
more interested in 'ticks' than birds.
"Ixer" from Ixodidae, the family to which our blood-sucking bush ticks
> From: "Dave Torr" <>
> Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 06:37:57 +1000
> To: "John Graff" <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Google Earth Photos
> I could argue that:
> a) With a webcam you are merely transforming a form of electro-magnetic
> radiation into another and then back again, so it should count
> b) Even with the best optics you actually only get 9x% of the light coming
> through, so it can't be a "full" tick as you haven't had the full experience
> but I won't!
> On 30/06/07, John Graff <> wrote:
>> Consider the (?)physics of it. If you're looking at a bird through
>> binoculars/scope, you are technically still seeing light rays from the
>> actual bird as all the lenses do is bend the light. If you're watching a
>> webcam, you're not seeing light from the actual bird.
>> How's that for a technical argument ;)
>> Cheers
>> John Graff
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