
RFI Alice Springs & Uluru

To: Tom and Mandy Wilson <>
Subject: RFI Alice Springs & Uluru
From: Robert Gosford <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:45:00 +0930
Dear Tom,

You will most likely get up to the Kunoth Well on the Tanami Track to look for the Grey H/eater (I've seen it there) but you might like to consider travelling 150km or so further up that track (all bar the last 7km is bitumen) to the Tilmouth Well Roadhouse, where about this time last year I saw a small flock of about 6 Ground Cuckoo Shrikes. I saw them 3 mornings in a row at first light. The were roosting in dead trees on the river flats to the west of the Roadhouse & campground. I saw them doing the most remarkable tumbling & chasing flight across the sky - accompanied by an unforgettable call. No good photos unfortunately - maybe next time!
Tilmouth is a good place to stop and there are a number of places nearby 
of interest and, particularly after the recent rain (which is falling 
softly here at Yuendumu while I type) lots of species of interest. There 
is a Grevillea (wyckhami I think) that is flowering profusely in the 
wetter area, quite a few acacias, sennas etc. Travel on the road and 
walking along the riverbed should give a few good raptors - Black 
Breasted Buzzard, Spotted Harrier & maybe even a Grey falcon! We've had 
a Black-shouldered Kite hanging around here at Yuendumu this past week 
or two.
Enjoy - it is very cool overnight but the days (well, when its not 
raining) are absolutely beautiful - clear blue skys, a light breeze, 
lots of birds - paradise!
Bob Gosford

Tom and Mandy Wilson wrote:
Hi all
I have been tracking the fairly recent messages about what's been seen in and around Alice Springs. I will be travelling with my family for 10 days from Alice Springs to W & E McDonnells (Glen Helen & Ross River respectively), Kings Canyon & then Uluru in a couple of weeks time, and was looking for pointers on anything unusual that may be about because of the recent rain and also specific spots for the following target species that I have missed in prior visits or want to get a better look at:
Slaty Backed Thornbill
Rufous Crowned Emu Wren
Banded Whiteface
Pied and/or Black Honeyeaters
Grey Honeyeater
Painted Firetail
Ground Cuckoo Shrike

I'm not planning on visiting the Sewerage works or Kunoth Well unless there's something extremely super duper (like a Red Legged Crake?) - this is a family holiday after all and I have to draw the line somewhere as to how much I can impose, especially when around Alice and we are in a campervan so I can't slip away as easily in the early hours of the day.
Good spots where we can enjoy a walk together would be an advantage!
Assurances that the weather is going to warm up a bit would also be welcome!
Many thanks
Tom Wilson ===============================

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