
Overseas purchases of binoculars

To: Birding-Aus Birding-Aus <>
Subject: Overseas purchases of binoculars
From: Paul McDonald <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 13:56:47 +1000
Hi All,

I'm looking to upgrade my current pair of binoculars, and noticed that many e.g. US sites have much cheaper prices than current in Australia. However, I was wondering if someone had used this in the past with/without success?
Moreover, would import duty be a straight 10% of purchase price? And  
what would warranty claims involve, could they be carried out here or  
would the bins need to go back to the states...
Any advice people have would be gratefully received,
Dr. Paul G. McDonald

Centre for the Integrative Study of Animal Behaviour
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109

Ph: +612 9850 9232 Fax: +612 9850 9231


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