I never ever thought the thread was silly. I was considering ordering a
few breeding pairs of Regent Parrots to breed up a stock of up-market
car wash birds till I found out they were cheap. Think I'll look for
some breeding pairs of Eclectus Parrots or something instead. At least
then I can offer up-market his and hers coloured birds for car washing.
They would be the right size wouldn't they?
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Pat OMalley
Sent: Thursday, 24 May 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: car washing finale.
Dear all,
Last entry on this obviously sensitive issue: I am a lttle surprised
that Phillip Veerman thinks my contribution 'silly'. Appreciating very
much Alastair's more constructuve contribution to the thread, can I just
say that the surface area to volume ratio is important? Hummingbirds are
almost useless for this reason even on sub-compact vehicles. Of course
there is also an upper limit. Do not try washing the car with an Osprey,
even though you would expect water to come naturally to them. My wife's
arm is still in plaster.
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