
Dollarbird in Tasmania

To: birding aus <>
Subject: Dollarbird in Tasmania
From: Ian May <>
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2007 21:16:22 +1100
g'Day All

An immature Dollarbird was observed at Scamander, Tasmania today (5th March 2007) at about 4 pm.
While driving east along Upper Scamander Road with my wife Patricia, our 
attention was drawn to a medium sized dark coloured bird with 
distinctive "roller" flight showing white "dollar" under wing flashes, 
flying adjacent and about 50 metres north east of us.  Flying about 10 
metres above the ground and following along the undulating forest margin 
where it meets the road, it settled on a horizontal limb about 25 metres 
from us illuminated by bright sunlight shining from behind us.   By it's 
characteristic appearance the bird was immediately identified as a 

We observed the bird in perfect conditions perched and preening for more 
than 3 minutes before it flew a short distance to the north settling 
again into an isolated Blackwood tree growing within a lightly timbered 
farm paddock near the southern bank of Scamander River. 

Weather conditions:  Mild temperature, approx. 2/8 middle level cloud 
with low humidity and a light south west breeze.  Weather for the past 
few weeks has been warm to hot and humid with mostly east/ north east 
and north winds
Upper Scamander Rd at a point 5.9 km. west of Tasman Highway where a power line crosses the road 100 metres west of a red letterbox displaying 100 mm black numbers 599 on white reflective background.. The area is unburned little more than 1 km from where severe bushfires passed in late December 2006
Medium sized bird, strong broad dusky grey bill with a hooked tip, dark grey coloured legs, grey brown head and neck, paler blue upper breast and deeper blue wings with dark grey primaries back and tail. Rolling flight with strong purposeful wing strokes showing conspicuous white under wing patches. No red visible on bill or legs indicating immature bird.
As I have no access to relevant texts at present, would someone confirm 
status of Dollarbird in Tasmania please?


Ian May

St Helens, Tasmania

(03) 63761966

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