No, I haven't seen any Lammergeiers in Australia...yet.
Their habit of dropping large bones is, as Carl Ckifford pointed
out, dangerous to anyone in the drop-zone. They also seize and drop
tortoises, and in this way are said to have killed the ancient Greek
playwright Aeschylos, who was living in Sicily at the time. (He is
said to have been given a prophecy that he would die from the fall of a
house, so took his siesta out-of-doors.)
When I was up at Gunbower (Vic) I noticed many shattered Murray
Tortoise shells - some of great size, presumably dropped by Sea-Eagles
or Whistling Kites in search of a meal from the contents. I should
think they would do you no good if they hit you.
For more on the subject read "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett.
Anthea Fleming
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