Evan asked about procedures for reporting sightings.
In New South Wales you can submit your sightings on the Birdline NSW web site.
Go to www.eremaea.com and click on the Birdline NSW link on the right hand
side, which brings up recent sightings, then click on the link to submit
sightings. Once you have done that:
(1) the sighting will go on the web page once approved by the moderators
(sightings are updated every day);
(2) it may go on the Birdline phone service (02 9429 9536, updated at the end
of the weekend usually);
(3) it will go to Alan Morris who will consider it for inclusion in the NSW
Bird Report;
(4) it will go to the Cumberland BOC for inclusion in their database (if a
Sydney record); and
(5) it's available to all other bird clubs to put in their newsletters etc if
they wish. See for example the Birdline Banter in the Birds Australia group
If you submit a sighting that is on the list of reviewable species then no
doubt someone on the NSW records appraisal committee will ask you for a
detailed submission.
Murray Lord
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