G'day Birders, I'm planning a trip at easter to Cunnamulla, Bowra and beyond.
Any information would be appreciated
In particular, does anyone have any information on the Thargominda -
Hungerford, Thargominda - Tickalara and the Noccundra - Warry Warry Gate roads,
some of these have been listed for upgrading (to gravel) by Qld roads, has
this happened?
Any information on locations for such delights as Yellow Chat, Grey Grasswren
and Gibberbird would also be appreciated.
And while I'm at it, has anyone been on the Diamantina Delelopmental rd,
especially west of Windorah (no prizes for guessing why). What is this road
We will be travelling in a soft roader, hence the need for road information.
Thanks in advance.
Graham Turner
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