Hi Tom,
I've just emailed you with some info, rather than clog up the Birding-Aus
For anyone else who's planning to come to Alice Springs, I usually can put
people in touch with people who know where the latest Grey
Falcon/Spinifexbird/Emu-Wren sightings etc are, along with general 'good
spots' for birding in NT National Parks (this does not include Ayers Rock,
because it's managed by the Commonwealth Government agency, Parks
I should tell people that there are some really great, lesser known places
to see birds in parks and other areas around Alice Springs -provided you
know who to ask and have some time to spare. A 4WD and hiking boots are also
good things to have as well!
Amanda Markham
Parks & Wildlife Service
Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts
PO Box 1120
Alice Springs NT 0871
ph. 08 8951 8207
fax 08 8951 8290
From: "Tom and Mandy Wilson" <>
To: "Amanda Markham" <>
Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] channel billed cuckoo alice springs
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 21:20:15 +1100
Hi Amanda
interesting note - I am visiting Alice/Ayers Rock in July, so a bit early
for a general RFI to birding-aus, but what's about at the moment and are
interesting birds (in your professional opinion!) likely to be around in 5
months time?
Tom Wilson
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