Hi all
This afternoon I spent a few hours birding at Mt Keria near Wollongong, about
1 hour south of Sydney. After a beautiful sunny day the weather started to
close in as large cloud heads began to roll over the escarpment, with the sound
of thunder and the threat of rain I was forced to retreat down the mountain to
my car. Mt Keira is a special birding spot with rainforest and Eucalyptus
forest found along its edges, the birding is always good but this afternoon
birds were everywhere. Catbirds can sometimes be heard but today a least 7 to 8
birds could be heard amongst the under growth. Lyrebirds and Wonga pigeons were
observed feeding along the track, Brown Cuckoo -Doves,Topkot Pigeons and
Pilotbirds could also be heard calling from the forest. The yellow flowering
sweet smelling native ginger were full of Lewins Honeyeaters and Eastern
Spinebills and Large-billed Scrubwrens seemed to be everywhere. The weather may
have been dull but the birds were active and in full voice, a wonderful
Regards Terrill
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