G’day all,
Moving away from the existence of rare parrots for a moment, I was wondering
if anyone out there has any details about the following story that I heard a
few years ago but can’t remember where from.
It goes a little like this…
In one edition of a well known field guide (I can’t remember which one)
there was a printing error in the plates that resulted in a red dot
appearing on a bird that usually has no red in it. (I can’t remember what
bird it was, whether the spot was on the rump, and I’m not 100% sure if the
colour of the dot was red.)
Anyway, it must have been a reasonably rare bird because not long after the
field guide was published, people vetting various reported sightings started
to see the red spot on the tail mentioned by observers claiming the bird.
When queried about this the observers were adamant they had seen the
diagnostic red spot.
Does anyone have any more specific details of this, or is it just
Happy to be replied to off line if any respondents prefer to remain
anonymous .
Sean Dooley
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