
Bird things at Qld Modern Art Gallery

To: "Philip Veerman" <>
Subject: Bird things at Qld Modern Art Gallery
From: David Stowe <>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 21:20:53 +1100
Hi Philip
Doesn't "aboriginal" (note lower case as you used) refer to native indigenous peoples in general, and not necessarily Australian?
Obviously i don't know how it was written/described at the gallery.
The nests sound like a great concept.
Dave Stowe

On 12/02/2007, at 7:30 PM, Philip Veerman wrote:

I was in Brisbane last week and visited the Qld Modern Art Gallery. Some bird things were so strange I thought worthy of telling the story. Even though they are quite peripheral to the list usual message.
One item was a large display cabinet of many nests of birds, all  
labelled by the scientific name of the bird, however all of the  
nests have been made out of shredded USA $ notes (all green). The  
nests are man-made of course. Amazingly, they all look realistic  
for the species as labelled, at least at a quick view (I had to  
leave soon to catch the train and plane back to Canberra).
The other thing is pots painted in supposedly aboriginal totemic  
designs, showing birds and other animals. Most designs are more or  
less believable, however one pot, labelled as "Eagles" shows  
several painted American Bald Eagles and another labelled "Owls"  
shows an owl that I believe to be an Eagle Owl or most certainly  
one of that genus (Bubo) and certainly not anything found in  
Australia. I know aboriginal people have suffered displacement and  
all that sort of thing but I really wonder how in tune are these  
people with their environment and local fauna. Why do they show  
totemic images of northern hemisphere fauna?
Even more obscure was a video showing a rooster and hen eating  
rice, complete with two Asian voices counting each grain as they  
ate them (total about 900). I'm not fibbing, that was the display.

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