With great weather, I have been marlin fishing on the shelf most days of the
last week. Many of the thousands of wedge tailed shearwaters that were present
the week before have disappeared, with only a couple of hundred seen each day.
I even went for five or six days straight without seeing any albatrosses,
although I saw 2 wanderers today. The only real notable sighting for me lately
has been a single white tern feeding with a group of shearwaters about 5 days
ago, otherwise there has been fleshy footed shearwaters, great winged petrels
(becoming suddenly less common), 5 or so gould's petrels, a few probable
fluttering SW's, Pomarine Jaegers (usually 2 or 3 each day), the usual dozen or
so australian gannets on the way out and on the way home and a couple of sooty
terns each day.
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