
Waterbird Population Estimates - Fourth Edition

To: Birding Aus <>
Subject: Waterbird Population Estimates - Fourth Edition
From: L&L Knight <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 19:58:42 +1000 c97a599e4dc5
Study reveals worsening condition of waterbirds in Asia

Wetlands International

Waterbird Population Estimates - Fourth Edition

Press release

Today, the NGO Wetlands International released the Fourth edition of their 'Waterbird Population Estimates', a publication based on annual monitoring of millions of waterbirds, that presents estimates and trends of 878 waterbird species. The new edition reveals a decrease in waterbird populations since the third edition of 2002.
At a global level 44% of populations for which trend data is available  
are decreasing or have become extinct, 34% are stable, and 17% are  
increasing. Asia is the continent where concern is greatest.
In Asia, 62% of the populations are now decreasing or have become  
extinct, and only 10% show an increasing trend. In Oceania one in six  
species have already become extinct.
The most frequent known cause of population decrease is habitat  
destruction, often caused by unsustainable human activity. The frantic  
pace of economic development in Asia is clearly having adverse impacts  
on the environment, including numbers and population trends of  
waterbirds. Human impacts such as urban sprawl, reclamation of  
wetlands, increase of pollution and hunting pressure can develop  
rapidly and conservation considerations are often not taken into  
With this annual census coordinated by Wetlands International,  
waterbirds are among the most comprehensively studied group of animals  
worldwide. Waterbirds depend on a whole range of healthy wetlands along  
their migration routes. This makes them good indicators for assessing  
the status of wetlands globally. Regular tracking of the status of  
waterbirds helps to identify priorities for research and conservation  
of both waterbird species and wetlands of international importance.
The publication Waterbird Population Estimates Fourth Edition is the  
result of fieldwork carried out every year by 15,000 voluntary expert  
observers in more than 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Oceania, South  
America and Europe.
The book is for sale now at NHBS Environment Bookstore and can be  
ordered through NHBS .com

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