
The search for grasswrens - a survey of Birding Aus subscribers

To: Birding Aus <>
Subject: The search for grasswrens - a survey of Birding Aus subscribers
From: L&L Knight <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 18:15:34 +1000
Dear Birding Aus Subscriber

Have you ever seen or searched for a Grasswren in the wild?

Grasswrens are an iconic group of birds that reside in outback areas around Australia. They are generally sedentary or locally nomadic, have particular habitat requirements, but tend to be difficult to see. Some species are widespread, while others are only found in relatively small regions. Few Australians live in areas where Grasswrens occur, and finding and observing a Grasswren generally takes a fair bit of effort.
As a lecturer in geography at Queensland University of Technology, I 
think the search for Grasswrens makes an interesting basis for an 
examination of the birding activities of Birding Aus subscribers in 
In the first instance, I would like to hear from all Birding Aus 
subscribers as to whether or not you have ever seen or searched for a 
Grasswren in the wild.
Bearing in mind that your participation in this survey is totally 
voluntary and that you will not be identified in the course of this 
research, I would appreciate it if you could answer the following 
1. Have you ever seen or searched for a Grasswren in the wild in 

2. How many species of birds have you seen in Australia?

3. Where do you currently live? (Please list your town/city if you live in a built up area or region if you live in a rural area)

4. What is your age group? (Under 20, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 or over).

5. If you have seen or searched for a Grasswren in the wild in Australia, would you be willing to answer further questions about those birding activities?

Please note that the submission of your response will be accepted as an indication of your consent to participate in this project. Please send your responses directly to me (either at or ), rather than replying via Birding Aus.

Many thanks for your help.

Dr Laurence Knight

School of Humanities and Human Services,
Queensland University of Technology,
Beams Rd, Carseldine 4034, Qld.
CRICOS No. 00213J


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