
Hybrid NZ Stilt on Norfolk Island

To: "Mike Carter" <>
Subject: Hybrid NZ Stilt on Norfolk Island
From: L&L Knight <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 17:01:38 +1000
Any chance of a genetic analysis?

On Tuesday, September 19, 2006, at 10:30  AM, Mike Carter wrote:

Margaret Christian has sent photos of a hybrid Black/Black-winged (AKA 
Stilt, first seen alive on Sunday 16 September and found dead 
yesterday on
Norfolk Island, to Birds Australia HQ.

So is this a new species for Australia, half or some fraction of a new
species, and should it be assessed by BARC??!!

Mike Carter
30 Canadian Bay Road
Mt Eliza    VIC     3930
Ph:  (03) 9787 7136

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