
Christmas Island Bird Week

To: "Birding-Aus" <>
Subject: Christmas Island Bird Week
From: "Allan & Hazel Wright" <>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 14:12:33 +1000
Hello to all birding-aus members

We have just returned from a very successful Inaugural Bird Week on Christmas Island and feel sure there will be many reports written on this event making it likely that the second Bird Week will be very popular. Participants this year included 'hard-core' twitchers (us 2), well known photographers, illustrators, media personalities, international birders and, of course, a dedicated group of research scientists who were our leaders.
To entice you further, we added 13 new birds to our Australian list in just 
a few days.  Admittedly, the species numbers are not great but the quality 
is of a very high standard and what better place to be on Threatened Species 
Day in 2007?
If you would like to be a participant in 2007 register your interest now by 
contacting  Linda Cash (CITA Marketing)

Linda will keep you informed of the dates etc. for 2007 Bird Week

Allan and Hazel Wright
Canberra ACT

The Nation's Capital

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