
Winter birds - Penrith

To: "'Birding-Aus'" <>
Subject: Winter birds - Penrith
From: "Mike Simpson" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 14:48:05 +1000
A quick walk alongside the Nepean at around 1 deg C. last Thursday morning
produced a good crop of 'Winter' birds.
50+ Red-whiskered Bulbuls
Flock of Red-browed Finches
Large numbers of Supurb Fairy-Wrens, a lot of males in blue plumage, some
with blue feathers starting to show.
15 approx. Olive-backed Orioles, unusual for here, I have only seen pairs in
the past.
1 Peregrine Falcon, made a diving pass then settled on top of a poplar tree.
1 Royal Spoonbill wading in a small swamp.
1 pair of Rose Robins
2 Eastern Spine-bills (plus one in my garden this week, a first for that
Flock of European Goldfinches feeding on a tree where they seem to winter
every year.

Regards, Mike Simpson
Penrith, NSW, Australia



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