
Bird checklists for 440 Melanesian islands

Subject: Bird checklists for 440 Melanesian islands
From: Michael Tarburton <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 22:02:15 +1000
G'day birding Ausers

As promised (in April I think) I have at last gotten time to update all the lists on my homepage for birds on melanesian islands. I visited 40 small new islands in the Solomons during December. These are now on the list and some of the major melanesian islands have had additional records included.
I must give thanks to those who have provided their personal  
observations for inclusion.
Highlights were a nightjar on a small island near Haycock Isl, and  
the first Fork-tailed Swift sighting for the Solomons, which I saw  
for two days on Choiseul.
I hope you will find these lists useful and I still welcome any  
additions or corrections you may have.
the page is at



Prof Mike Tarburton

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  • Bird checklists for 440 Melanesian islands, Michael Tarburton <=

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