
VIC Melbourne Bayside - recent sightings

To: "Birding-Aus" <>
Subject: VIC Melbourne Bayside - recent sightings
From: "michael norris" <>
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 00:53:35 +1100
Dear all

The Singing Honeyeaters at Black Rock Life Saving Club are paired and may now be nesting.
A Yellow-faced HE at Long Hollow Reserve on 24/11 may be the same bird as 
recorded there on 3/10.  They haven't bred in Bayside for 25 years.
Other records include Stubble Quail in a Beaumaris garden and Satin 
Flycatcher on 25/11. At Ricketts Point there have been sightings of Grey 
Plover - the 2nd Bayside record - and Stints, and a dying Arctic Jaeger was 
rescued from a rock platform.
Tawny Frogmouths and Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes seem to be doing well.  One 
or more Pied Currawongs are hanging around - never recorded before in 
October or November in Bayside..
The Musk Lorikeet return was earlier than in the last 5 years and, along 
with them, Purple-crowned and Little Lorikeets appeared.
Lastly a Cape Barren Goose was reported as on the Hampton Beach. 
Confirmation of this and any other interesting records are very welcome.
Michael Norris
Bayside Friends of Native Wildlife..

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