
Re: Hunter Lists, Hunter Boundries, Hunter Rarities, Hunter Birders.....

To: "Grant Brosie" <>, "birding australia" <>
Subject: Re: Hunter Lists, Hunter Boundries, Hunter Rarities, Hunter Birders......Hunter everything!
From: "michael norris" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 22:02:33 +1100
No - brding is not enough! You have to know the country.

Just remember Melbourne at the confluence of 7 bioregions where there were breeding Brolgas, Plains Wanderer, Wedgebills in some years, and in my local patch - the small City of Bayside, 20km from the CBD and with a list of 175 - Great Frigatebird (1861), 15+ pairs of Bassian Thrush (1910), Chestnut-rumped Heathwren (1938)....
Destruction spread from the centre as "development" and from the outside as 
logging, rubbish tips and food production.  Habitat simplifcation and 
fragmentation followed along with feral plants, drainage, garden fashions, 
wildlife barriers, insect killing lighting, altered substrates.....
I loved the "Oyster Farmer" film - what a great place to build sea change 
homes! Then a shopping centre....
Michael Norris

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