
Swiftie sighting?

To: "" <>
Subject: Swiftie sighting?
From: Penny Brockman <>
Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 18:02:43 +1000
Dear Debbie

The Swift newsletter arrived just in time to solve a riddle for me. On Tuesday afternoon, 24 May about 4 pm a small group of parrots flew over my back garden at Manning St., on the northern edge of Gloucester 32 00 04 - 151 57 59. There were about 10, flying close together, medium height (whatever that is) and calling. I was totally at sea thinking what they could be as we usually get Musk and a few Rainbow in town, until I played the BOCA tape - I haven't heard Swifties for several years. So I am pretty sure they were Swifties - certainly not Musk, Little or Rainbow, all which I know well. Calls were the short almost throaty chirps, and long dark tails almost invisible in the late afternoon sunshine, which made me think at first they were Little, but they were too big and making the wrong noise for Little.
We have the odd Forest Red Gum in blossom in the area. I shall keep a 
sharp eye open as am out next week on several searches for Grey-crowned 
Babblers, but the area these birds were flying towards is of course on 
private land.
I can't 100% put these on my Gloucester list but am tempted to!

Best wishes
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