
Brisbane breeding, etc.

Subject: Brisbane breeding, etc.
Date: Sat, 7 May 2005 13:16:24 +1000
I've written of the TORRESIAN CROWS here in Clayfield, where I work, and briefly of those, too, up on our mountain. The birds on the mountain nest at the end of September, & the young fledged this year on 20 November. But here in Brisbane, there are two birds with a youngster coming to my window several times a day. One of the two adult birds is a magnificent creature -- glossy, heavy-looking, confident, with erect head-feathers. The youngster is brown-eyed, reddish-gaped with some bare skin near the mouth, & bleating constantly. They've been here for some weeks; yesterday the big glossy adult gave the baby what looked like a calculated shove with her/his shoulder. Quite a difference in nesting times. The sites are only about 60 kilometres apart; but elevation is quite different, & climate is more temperate up on the mountain -- e.g. it's winter up there now, but still autumn here in Bris. The MAGPIE-LARKS have been screaming a lot in both places recently, too. More than usual. Travelling between the two sites last Tuesday, I came across a family of RAINBOW LORIKEETS with young fledglings, begging in the wings-half-open posture & with the high-pitched squeal. Arriving back here in Clayfield that afternoon, I discovered several TURTLE-DOVES giving a nest call... Three birds, I think. Loitering around a group of pot-plants. A solitary SPANGLED DRONGO seen on wires beside a busy street -- Haven't seen any others in town or in the country for some time.

Judith L-A
S-E Qld
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