Further to recent correspondence about this
species in Victoria,
there is a thriving population of Yellow Thornbills in Black Wattle and eucalypt
plantings along Merri Creek, Clifton Hill, 6 km from the Melbourne GPO. They
are invariably present on the eastern side of the creek adjacent to the bridge
over Heidelberg Road,
and also occur downstream along the city side of the creek as far as the
Roseneath St footbridge. Brown and Yellow-tailed Thornbills are also common
along the creek. The reappearance of Yellow Thornbill in what, 20 years ago,
was a treeless wasteland, is due to the efforts of the Friends of Merri Creek,
local schools and the Merri Creek Co-ordinating Committee. Yellow-tailed Black
Cockatoos are also beneficiaries of their plantings.
Neville Pamment