
Needletails - French Island - Victoria.

Subject: Needletails - French Island - Victoria.
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:45:16 +1100

Another Needletail report for Victoria.

While at the Friends of French Island annual general meeting on Saturday (12 Feb.  2005) I observed a single Needletail over the centre of French Island which is in Western Port Bay south east of Melbourne.  Weather was early drizzle, cool to start but warm by the middle of the day.  There were also Welcome swallows present but these were just above the tree canopy.  The single Needletail was cruising east to west and no other aerial insectivorous birds were recorded at the time (1200hrs local time).

Locality details were:
Parks Victoria Depot, French Island, Western Port Bay
GPS Reference (using UTM coordinates & GDA datum) - 0357496/5751686

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