The camping ground right up near the Point itself is ideal. There are many
entry points and, while some areas are very sandy and you might have trouble
getting in and out, most are fine and with your 4WD you should be OK. If
not, there always heaps of others around to help you in and/or out. The
further North up the point you are camped, the easier it is to just walk the
rest of the way up to look for the BBQ's and waders at the point itself.
Bob Cook
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of John Walter
Sent: Tuesday, 26 October 2004 2:56 PM
Subject: RFI BBQ and Inskip Point
Hi members,
Could someone advise which is the best campsite at Inskip Point to see the
Black-breasted Button Quail. And is it
suitable to drag a small Caravan into with a 4WD. Thanks
John Walter
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